CloudOps blog (AWS & Azure)

NoOps or No Ops: what is it and what does it mean for you?

Written by Steve Rastall (Founder & CEO) | 25-Aug-2022 08:47:00

NoOps, or No Ops, is a movement that is gaining traction in the tech community. But what does it mean? And more importantly, what does it mean for you and your business?

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of NoOps and discuss its benefits and drawbacks. We will also help you determine if NoOps is right for your business.


Is it NoOps or No Ops?

The buzz around NoOps has been gathering pace for a few years and is referred to by both 'NoOps' and 'No Ops'. However, as you would expect the main traffic for this term and associated terms is in the United States.

Using Google keyword data NoOps has an average of 3.7k searches globally each month with 21% of that traffic being in the USA. While No Ops has 1.8k global traffic with 27% being in the USA.

So NoOps has the edge and it also follows the established format for these abbreviations like 'DevOps' and many more that the IT world are so fond of.


What is NoOps?

The term NoOps has been used in the IT industry to describe a movement away from traditional operations roles and responsibilities. In a NoOps environment, the focus is on developing and deploying applications without requiring traditional operations support. This can be achieved through automation of tasks that would traditionally be handled by ops staff, or by outsourcing operational responsibilities to a third party.


Why implement NoOps?

Whether or not an organization chooses to implement a NoOps strategy is ultimately up to them. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons of doing so before making a decision. Some of the benefits of NoOps include increased efficiency and productivity, as well as reduced costs. On the other hand, there are some potential downsides to consider as well, such as increased security risk and reliance on third-party providers.

If you want to find out more about the pros and cons and if it's right for your team then read our full-length article on NoOps "NoOps: CloudOps delivers IT Operational Excellence for DevOps teams".

Or if you want to see what CloudOps can do for your cloud deployments book a test drive.