CloudOps blog (AWS & Azure)

Simplify AWS Subscription Management: How to Streamline User Permissions with a Cloud Management Platform

Written by Steve Rastall (Founder & CEO) | 02-Jun-2023 08:56:00

Managing AWS subscriptions and user permissions can be a complex task, especially when dealing with multiple teams within a business. Granting access to the AWS portal carries inherent security risks, as users may inadvertently or intentionally modify critical resources.

However, with the emergence of cloud management platforms like CloudOps, it is now possible to enable visibility and reporting across teams without granting direct access to the AWS portal.

In this blog post, we will explore how CloudOps simplifies AWS subscription management by securely delegating access to specific teams while ensuring that they cannot make unintentional or unauthorized changes.

Enhanced Visibility and Reporting:

CloudOps cloud management platform offers comprehensive visibility and reporting features, allowing businesses to gain insights into their AWS usage and costs. By integrating with AWS APIs, it collects and analyzes data on resource consumption, expenditures, and performance.

This visibility enables finance and management teams to make informed decisions regarding cost optimization, resource allocation, and budgeting without needing direct access to the AWS portal. They can view detailed reports and dashboards provided by CloudOps, ensuring a clear understanding of the company's AWS usage and expenditure trends.

The information shown in the CloudOps dashboard can be shared with any stakeholders both internal and external without the need to create and manage accounts with access to your AWS subscription.


Streamlined User Permissions:

Defining and managing permissions within the AWS portal can become a full time job, and should be carefully managed. So for teams who need access to certain information like management or finance, if you can give them the information they need without the need to have any access to AWS this can save time and reduce risk and complexity. 

One of the key advantages of using a cloud management platform like CloudOps is the ability to streamline user permissions. Instead of granting access to the AWS portal, which may involve navigating a complex web of policies and roles, CloudOps provides a centralized interface for managing user access. Administrators can assign specific roles and permissions to different teams or individuals within the platform, tailoring access rights according to their responsibilities.

For instance, the finance team can have access to cost and billing reports, allowing them to monitor expenses and generate accurate financial forecasts. Similarly, management teams can access high-level performance metrics to evaluate the overall health and efficiency of AWS resources.

By assigning roles, CloudOps ensures that each team can access the necessary information without the risk of unintended permissions being assigned in the AWS portal.


Enabling third parties access: Customers and suppliers

CloudOps' streamlined user permissions and secure access management offer significant advantages when providing access to third-party users. When working and interacting with external vendors, consultants, or partners, granting direct access to the AWS portal can pose potential risks.

However, with CloudOps, you can create roles and permissions specifically tailored for third-party access, ensuring that they have the necessary visibility and reporting without adding them to your AWS subscription. This allows you to confidently collaborate with external parties while maintaining control over your AWS environment and mitigating the risks associated with granting unrestricted access.


Enhanced Security and Role Management:

CloudOps prioritizes AWS security by providing a secure layer between users and the AWS portal. By eliminating direct access, it minimizes the chances of accidental or intentional misconfigurations or data breaches. This approach is particularly critical for finance and management teams who require visibility but should not have the ability to modify critical infrastructure.

Additionally, CloudOps facilitates simplified role management. Administrators can define and assign roles based on the principle of least privilege, ensuring that each user has the necessary permissions to fulfill their responsibilities, while preventing access to sensitive or potentially dangerous actions. This mitigates the risks associated with human errors and helps maintain the integrity and security of AWS resources.

You might be interested in our article about this subject: Is the Security of Your Cloud Management Service Doing Enough to Protect Your Business? 


Why implement a cloud management platform?

Managing AWS subscriptions and user permissions can be a daunting task, especially when multiple teams need access to AWS resources without compromising security. By leveraging a cloud management platform like CloudOps, businesses can simplify this process and enhance security measures.

With features such as enhanced visibility, streamlined user permissions, and improved security and role management, CloudOps empowers finance and management teams to gain insights into their AWS usage and costs, all while safeguarding critical resources. By choosing a cloud management platform that offers these capabilities, businesses can optimize their AWS subscription management, reduce risks, and ensure efficient collaboration across teams.

To find out more book a free test drive of CloudOps.

Or get in touch with us and speak to one of our AWS experts.


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