CloudOps blog (AWS & Azure)

From Cost Optimisation to Security: How AWS Management Tools Can Help You

Written by Steve Rastall (Founder & CEO) | 26-Jun-2023 08:34:00

Cost optimisation and security are two crucial areas that must receive consideration while using AWS. We will discuss how using AWS management tools will help you save time and money as well as why the CloudOps cloud management platform is a comprehensive solution that combines some of the best open-source AWS management tools.

Cost Optimization with AWS Management Tools

One of the primary concerns for businesses operating in the cloud is managing AWS costs. AWS provides various management tools that can help optimize your expenses and eliminate unnecessary spending.

  1. AWS Cost Explorer: This tool enables you to see and tag your AWS costs effectively. It provides detailed cost breakdowns, forecasts, and cost-saving recommendations.
  2. AWS Budgets: With this tool, you can set custom cost and usage budgets for your AWS resources. It sends alerts and notifications when your usage exceeds the defined thresholds, helping you control your expenses in real time.
  3. AWS Trusted Advisor: Trusted Advisor offers personalised guidance to optimise your AWS infrastructure, covering cost optimization, security, performance, and fault tolerance. It provides actionable recommendations to save money by identifying underutilized resources, suggesting reserved instance purchases, and more. CloudOps has tailored AWS support options along with advisory and consultancy services are offered as well.
  4. AWS Savings Plans: Although AWS provides a wide range of tools for individual administration, it might be challenging to use them effectively. In this case, the cloud management tool CloudOps is helpful. By merging the best open-source tools into a comprehensive suite, CloudOps streamlines AWS management.

Enhancing Security with AWS Management Tools

In the cloud environment, security is of utmost importance, and AWS provides powerful tools to assist you in safeguarding your assets and data.

  1. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Allows you to manage user access and permissions to your AWS resources. You can define fine-grained access policies, implement multi-factor authentication, and integrate with your existing identity systems, ensuring secure access management. CloudOps integrates directly with the AWS IAM to maintain the highest levels of security.
  2. AWS CloudTrail: CloudTrail provides detailed event logs of API calls and actions within your AWS account. It helps you monitor and audit your infrastructure, detect unauthorized access attempts, and track changes for compliance and security purposes.
  3. AWS Security Hub: Security Hub consolidates and analyzes security findings from various AWS services and third-party integrations. It offers a centralized view of your security posture, identifies potential vulnerabilities, and provides actionable insights to remediate issues promptly.
  4. AWS GuardDuty: GuardDuty is an intelligent threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS environment for malicious activities and unauthorized behaviour. It analyzes data from various sources and alerts you in real time, helping you respond to potential threats swiftly.


CloudOps Cloud Management Platform: A Comprehensive Solution

Although AWS offers a variety of management tools, using them efficiently can be difficult. Each tool requires set-up, configuration and implementation and has an associated learning curve.

The CloudOps cloud management software is useful in this situation. CloudOps streamlines AWS management by combining the greatest open-source tools into a comprehensive suite. It integrates seamlessly with your AWS environment and offers the following benefits:

  1. Centralised Management: CloudOps provides a unified dashboard to monitor and manage all aspects of your AWS infrastructure, including cost optimization, security, performance monitoring, and more.
  2. AWS Cost Reduction: CloudOps monitors costs and usage to then provide practical steps to reduce your monthly AWS bill
  3. AWS Security: CloudOps integrates several tools for automated security management, risk registers and AWS security audits.
  4. Automation and Orchestration: CloudOps integrates SaltStack and Jenkins for the automation of routine tasks and extends this with automated backup, patching and antivirus updates.
  5. Full stack monitoring: CloudOps has full integration with Zabbix (monitor anything anywhere) and Prometheus (Application monitoring). This allows you to 'see' every level of your cloud infrastructure from the AWS components right up to your applications and how they are performing.

If you want to find out more about how CloudOps can change how you manage the cloud then take a free test drive here

Or if you want to speak to a member of our AWS team about your cloud challenges, then speak to us

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